Kilimanjaro Marathon hands over 11m/- for treatment of children with cancer
We are thrilled to announce that the 2023 edition of the Kilimanjaro…

New Official Designation: The Kilimanjaro “International” Marathon
The Kilimanjaro Marathon is pleased to announce that, following…

Tumaini La Maisha Press Release
PRESS RELEASEThe Kilimarathon and TLM Giving to the…

Press Release regarding WHM and Kilimanjaro Marathon
PRESS RELEASE 23rd September 2022 E.P. Global Events Limited…

SPC to issue plots to top Tanzanian runners of Kilimanjaro Marathon
SPC to issue plots to top Tanzanian runners of Kilimanjaro Marathon The…

It is with great delight that The Kilimanjaro Marathon can confirm…

TLM Giving to the Moshi Region through their Cancer treatment for Children at KCMC!!
Tumaini La Maisha Tanzania (TLM) is a committed charity that…

Kili Marathon 2022 – 6 weeks to go
With just over six weeks to go before the 20th edition of the…