Entries by Conner

Kilimanjaro Marathon hands over 11m/- for treatment of children with cancer

We are thrilled to announce that the 2023 edition of the Kilimanjaro Marathon has donated Tsh 11.3 million ($4,898) towards the Tumaini La Maisha (TLM), a charity organization that caters for treatment of children with cancer at the KCMC Hospital in Moshi. We would like to thank every participant for contributing towards this cause as […]

New Official Designation: The Kilimanjaro “International” Marathon

The Kilimanjaro Marathon is pleased to announce that, following the Prime Ministers instruction during our 20th anniversary held in Moshi last year that the Event will henceforth be known as the Kilimanjaro Premium Lager International Marathon. As this Event continues to grow, and has historically attracted well over 50 nationalities to Tanzania to compete, as […]

Tumaini La Maisha Press Release

PRESS RELEASE The Kilimarathon and TLM Giving to the Moshi Region through their Cancer treatment for Children at KCMC!! The Kilimanjaro Marathon have again this year appointed Tumaini La Maisha Tanzania (TLM) as their official beneficiary to the Event. TLM is a committed charity that aims to reach every child in Tanzania who develops cancer, […]

Press Release regarding WHM and Kilimanjaro Marathon

PRESS RELEASE 23rd September 2022 E.P. Global Events Limited of Gibraltar and Wild Frontiers team up to provide a double endurance: participate in the World’s Highest Marathon on Kilimanjaro, then run the Kilimanjaro Marathon at the base of Kilimanjaro, back-to-back. E.P. Global Events with brands include www.worldshighestocr.com, www.altitudeocr.com and www.worldshighestmarathon.com On the 11th May 2022, […]